
19-Year-Old Archivist Charged For Downloading Freedom-of-Information Releases

19-Year-Old Archivist Charged For Downloading Freedom-of-Information Releases
Published on April 17, 2018 at 07:00AM
Ichijo writes: According to CBC News, a Canadian teen "has been charged with 'unauthorized use of a computer,' which carries a possible 10-year prison sentence, for downloading approximately 7,000 freedom-of-information releases. The provincial government says about 250 of those contain Nova Scotians' sensitive personal information." "When he was around eight [...] his Grade 3 class adopted an animal at a shelter, receiving an electronic adoption certificate," reports CBC. "That lead to a discovery on the classroom computer. 'The website had a number at the end, and I was able to change the last digit of the number to a different number and was able to see a certificate for someone else's animal that they adopted,' he said. 'I thought that was interesting.' The teenager's current troubles arose because he used the same trick on Nova Scotia's freedom-of-information portal, downloading about 7,000 freedom-of-information requests." The teen is estimated to have around 30 terabytes of online data on his hard drives, which equates to "millions" of webpages. "He usually copies online forums such as 4chan and Reddit, where posts are either quickly erased or can become difficult to locate."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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19-Year-Old Archivist Charged For Downloading Freedom-of-Information Releases 19-Year-Old Archivist Charged For Downloading Freedom-of-Information Releases Reviewed by Kartik on April 17, 2018 Rating: 5

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