
Facebook Launches Bug Bounty Program To Report Data Thieves

Facebook Launches Bug Bounty Program To Report Data Thieves
Published on April 10, 2018 at 04:00PM
Facebook on Tuesday launched a data abuse bug bounty program, just hours ahead of CEO Mark Zuckerberg's testimony to the Senate judiciary and commerce committees in Washington, DC. The bug bounty program is asking for people to report any apps that abuse data on Facebook, and it offers a reward based on how severe the abuse is. From a report: "While there is no maximum, high impact bug reports have garnered as much as $40,000 for people who bring them to our attention," Collin Greene, Facebook's head of product security, said in a post. The new program comes almost a month after the New York Times and the UK's Observer and Guardian papers revealed that Cambridge Analytica, a voter profiling firm, took advantage of a Facebook app to siphon off personal information on 87 million people. The scandal has fanned the flames of a backlash against Facebook by lawmakers and users.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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Facebook Launches Bug Bounty Program To Report Data Thieves Facebook Launches Bug Bounty Program To Report Data Thieves Reviewed by Kartik on April 10, 2018 Rating: 5

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