
YouTube Hack: Several High-Profile Videos Mysteriously Disappear From Platform, Some Defaced

YouTube Hack: Several High-Profile Videos Mysteriously Disappear From Platform, Some Defaced
Published on April 10, 2018 at 12:04PM
Several high-profile music videos on YouTube were mysteriously deleted early Tuesday, in what appear like a security compromise. Some of the videos that have been pulled from Google's video platform include Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee's "Despacito" -- which is also the most popular video on YouTube. The image of the video was replaced by a masked gang holding guns, who identify themselves as "Prosox and Kuroi'sh." Several songs from DJ Snake, Drake, Katy Perry, Selena Gomez, Shakira, and Taylor Swift have also been either deleted or altered with. On Twitter, a person who claims to be one of the hackers, said, "@YouTube Its just for fun i just use script "youtube-change-title-video" and i write "hacked" don t judge me i love youtube." Further reading: BBC.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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YouTube Hack: Several High-Profile Videos Mysteriously Disappear From Platform, Some Defaced YouTube Hack: Several High-Profile Videos Mysteriously Disappear From Platform, Some Defaced Reviewed by Kartik on April 10, 2018 Rating: 5

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