
Microsoft Research Touts Its 'Checked C' Extension For 'Making C Safe'

Microsoft Research Touts Its 'Checked C' Extension For 'Making C Safe'
Published on September 08, 2018 at 11:34PM
Microsoft Research has pre-published a new paper to be presented at the IEEE Cybersecurity Development Conference 2018 describing their progress on Checked C, "an extension to C designed to support spatial safety, implemented in Clang and LLVM." From "Checked C: Making C Safe By Extension": Checked C's design is distinguished by its focus on backward-compatibility, incremental conversion, developer control, and enabling highly performant code... Any part of a program may contain, and benefit from, checked pointers. Such pointers are binary-compatible with legacy, unchecked pointers but have explicitly annotated and enforced bounds. Code units annotated as checked regions provide guaranteed safety: The code within may not use unchecked pointers or unsafe casts that could result in spatial safety violations. Checked C's bounds-safe interfaces provide checked types to unchecked code, which is useful for retrofitting third party and standard libraries. Together, these features permit incrementally adding safety to a legacy program, rather than making it an all-or-nothing proposition. Our implementation of Checked C as an LLVM extension enjoys good performance, with relatively low run-time and compilation overheads. It is freely available at and continues to be actively developed. The extension is enabled as a flag passed to Clang -- the average run-time overhead introduced by adding dynamic checks was 8.6%, though in more than half of the benchmarks the overhead was less than 1%. They also note that from 2012 to 2018, buffer overruns were the leading single cause of CVEs. Microsoft Research says they're now evaluating Checked C, formalizing a proof of its safety guarantee -- and developing a tool to semi-automatically rewrite legacy C programs.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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Microsoft Research Touts Its 'Checked C' Extension For 'Making C Safe' Microsoft Research Touts Its 'Checked C' Extension For 'Making C Safe' Reviewed by Kartik on September 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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