
'Solo' Will Lose $50+ Million In First Defeat For Disney's 'Star Wars' Empire

'Solo' Will Lose $50+ Million In First Defeat For Disney's 'Star Wars' Empire
Published on June 06, 2018 at 10:00AM
Zorro shares a report from The Hollywood Reporter: To borrow one of Han Solo's lines from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, "That's not how the Force works!" It's an apt way to sum up the troubled performance of Solo: A Star Wars Story. In one of the biggest box-office surprises in recent times, Solo is badly underperforming and will become the first of the Star Wars movies made by Disney and Lucasfilm to lose money. Wall Street analyst Barton Crockett says Solo will lose more than $50 million. Industry financing sources, however, say that figure could come in at $80 million or higher, although no one knows the exact terms of Disney's deals for home entertainment and television, among other ancillary revenues.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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'Solo' Will Lose $50+ Million In First Defeat For Disney's 'Star Wars' Empire 'Solo' Will Lose $50+ Million In First Defeat For Disney's 'Star Wars' Empire Reviewed by Kartik on June 06, 2018 Rating: 5

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