
Suicide Rates Are Up 30 Percent Since 1999, CDC Says

Suicide Rates Are Up 30 Percent Since 1999, CDC Says
Published on June 08, 2018 at 10:00AM
New submitter Austerity Empowers writes: Amidst all the name calling and straw man arguments about the overall health of America, sometimes it helps to look at data from people who sacrificed everything based on their perception of reality. Whatever politics you subscribe to, the feeling of hopelessness is evidently real, and frightening. NBC News: "Suicide rates are up by 30 percent across the nation since 1999, federal health officials reported Thursday. And only about half the people who died by suicide had a known mental health condition, even though depression had been thought to be the major cause of suicide, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said. While many cases of mental illness may have been diagnosed, the CDC also noted that relationship stress, financial troubles and substance abuse were contributing to the trends."

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Suicide Rates Are Up 30 Percent Since 1999, CDC Says Suicide Rates Are Up 30 Percent Since 1999, CDC Says Reviewed by Kartik on June 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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