
Wi-Fi Alliance Launches WPA3 Security Standard

Wi-Fi Alliance Launches WPA3 Security Standard
Published on June 26, 2018 at 03:20PM
wiredmikey writes: The Wi-Fi Alliance, the organization responsible for maintaining Wi-Fi technology, announced the launch of the WPA3 security standard. The latest version of the Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) protocol brings significant improvements in terms of authentication and data protection. WPA3 has two modes of operation: Personal and Enterprise. WPA3-Personal's key features include enhanced protection against offline dictionary attacks and password guessing attempts. WPA3-Enterprise provides 192-bit encryption for extra security, improved network resiliency, and greater consistency when it comes to the deployment of cryptographic tools.

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Wi-Fi Alliance Launches WPA3 Security Standard Wi-Fi Alliance Launches WPA3 Security Standard Reviewed by Kartik on June 26, 2018 Rating: 5

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