
Emirates Planes Could Be Going Windowless

Emirates Planes Could Be Going Windowless
Published on June 07, 2018 at 04:04PM
An anonymous reader shares a report: In the future, you could find yourself booking an Emirates flight without a real window seat. The airline has just unveiled a new first class suite on board its latest aircraft that features "virtual windows" instead of real ones. The President of Emirates, Tim Clarke, is hoping it will pave the way for removing all windows from future planes, which he says will make them lighter and faster. "What we may have [in the next 20 years] is aircraft that are, and I hate to say this to a number of passengers, windowless," he told the BBC. So there's no windows on the outside ... But Mr Clarke says on the inside there will be "a full display of windows," which will beam in the images from the outside. This will be done using fibre-optic camera technology. So, instead of being able to see directly outside, passengers will view images projected from outside the aircraft -- which is almost like the real thing.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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Emirates Planes Could Be Going Windowless Emirates Planes Could Be Going Windowless Reviewed by Kartik on June 07, 2018 Rating: 5

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