
Hacker Steals Military Docs Because Someone Didn't Change a Default FTP Password

Hacker Steals Military Docs Because Someone Didn't Change a Default FTP Password
Published on July 11, 2018 at 04:03PM
New submitter secwatcher shares a report: A hacker is selling sensitive military documents on online hacking forums, a security firm has discovered. Some of the sensitive documents put up for sale include maintenance course books for servicing MQ-9 Reaper drones, and various training manuals describing comment deployment tactics for improvised explosive device (IED), an M1 ABRAMS tank operation manual, a crewman training and survival manual, and a document detailing tank platoon tactics. US-based threat intelligence firm Recorded Future discovered the documents for sale online. They say the hacker was selling the data for a price between $150 and $200, a very low asking price for such data. Recorded Future says it engaged the hacker online and discovered that he used Shodan to hunt down specific types of Netgear routers that use a known default FTP password. The hacker used this FTP password to gain access to some of these routers, some of which were located in military facilities, he said.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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Hacker Steals Military Docs Because Someone Didn't Change a Default FTP Password Hacker Steals Military Docs Because Someone Didn't Change a Default FTP Password Reviewed by Kartik on July 11, 2018 Rating: 5

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